Being both an entrepreneur and a survivor in a corona era
2020 is a tough year for the entrepreneur. Due to the Covid-19 measures, taken by the government, a lot of entrepreneurs are hit financially. Would you like to exchange thoughts with respect to your financial business and/or private situation and discuss what kind of possibilities there still are in these difficult times? If yes, please feel free to contact me!

Measures with respect to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Now the Coronavirus literally reached The Netherlands and it is currently still unclear what the financial impact will be of this outbreak on the Dutch entrepreneurs, the Dutch government decided to take a few fiscal and economical measures to try to mitigate a bit of the financial pain. In this article you will read more about the measures that have been taken.

2019 almost ends, but 2020 is getting close now!
In this article I am taking you back to 2019 and share with you my personal experiences of being self-employed. I am also giving you an update about substantial tax changes in 2020.

Latest developments with respect to the group of self-employed
Work is currently in progress with respect to the proposed legislation which could affect the group of self-employed. This article takes a closer look to the mandatory disability insurance, the mandatory minimum rate that should apply to the group of self-employed and the changes that apply with respect to the personal income tax such as the income tax rates and the self-employment deduction.

Verberne Consultancy has been moved!
As of 1 October 2019, Verberne Consultancy has been moved to Atoomweg 2 in Hoorn. This new location is fully equipped and offers the possibility for welcoming clients.

Proud member of the Holland House Colombia!
I am excited to announce that the Holland House in Colombia decided to grant a membership to Verberne Consultancy.

Setting up a Dutch Limited Liability Company (BV, Besloten Vennootschap) online
At the latest, as of 1 August 2021, a Limited Liability Company (a Dutch BV) can be set up online. In this article you should read more about the latest developments.

VAT number ("omzetbelastingnummer") as of 1 January 2020
As from fall 2019, a second VAT number should be issued to self-employers and which should not contain information anymore about their personal tax identification number (BSN). In this article you should read more information about this new VAT number.

Averaging of income
Suppose, you are taking a sabbatical, you set up your own company and you have not earned that much income, or you qualify for welfare. Or there could be a situation that you are earning more than in previous years.

The small entrepreneurs-rule
As of 1 January 2020, a substantial change will take place with respect to Dutch VAT. As of that date, the small entrepreneurs-rule (KOR) will be amended.